Our next meeting will be on Sunday 20th October 2024.
The speaker for this meeting is Alex Summers. who will give a talk on “The Richtersveld – collecting in an arid biodiversity hotspot”. Alex was until recently the curator of the National Botanic Garden of Wales, now working in a National Trust garden. The NBGW has a large section devoted to plants from regions with a Mediterranean climate, including a collection of South African bulbs.
After the lunch-break we expect to have some short talks on either Massonia by Paul Cumbleton or Eucomis by Tom Radford, or both if there is time.
Directions to the meeting hall. The doors will open at 10.00, and the meeting will close at about 14.30. SABG members, their guests and visitors are welcome. Admission is £3.00 and parking is free.
The PBS List is an email discussion of bulbs, sponsored by the Pacific Bulb Society, for people around the world. Although bulbs (defined more broadly to include all geophytes) are the focus, we recognize that people who grow them probably grow other things too and will be talking about them from time to time. Everyone is welcome to take part, simply click on Subscribe [in the link on the right just below]. PBS List https://www.pacificbulbsociety.org/list.php
These are the most recent posts in the PBS List. If you click on one, you will be able to see all the others.
[Copyright © 2024 by the Southern African Bulb Group and Richard White.]