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Our activities

  • We have meetings twice a year, most of which have been in Winchester in southern England (see the list of Past, present and future meetings), but we are very much open to having meetings elsewhere if there is sufficient support. We hold occasional online meetings using Zoom or similar software.
  • We run Bulb & Seed Exchange each year, which allow members to obtain species grown by other members and donated to the Exchanges. Unfortunately, the actions (or lack of actions) of the UK government have recently made this activity impractical for members in many other countries.
  • Members receive Newsletters approximately three times per year, either by email or in printed form for members without email access.
  • Members receive other communications by email, including Bulletins, especially for information which cannot wait until the next Newsletter, and which is not available to non-members.
  • We run a web-site (which you are viewing!) which attempts to provide information on South African bulbs, their cultivation, and our activities. For more information, see How to use the SABG web site. At present, all parts of the web-site, including the Newsletters, are accessible to members and non-members alike, but as we add more facilities this may change.
  • We support conservation and research projects involving southern African bulbs and their habitats.

[Copyright © 2024 by the Southern African Bulb Group and Richard White.]

info/activities/start.txt · Last modified: 12:07 31/03/2023 by Richard White